Engineering schools' graduates or self-taught, our positions are open to all, competence and "wyspirit" take precedence over the diploma. Technical tests and cross-interviews (HR, Manager, Collaborators) allow the company to validate both the technical aspects and the candidates' personality. Candidates can take all the relevant information from their future colleagues.
Schools Relations / Training
Trainees, apprentices, people in contract of professionalisation, Wyplay welcomes you! Wyplay participates, each year, in several student fairs and maintains privileged relations with several schools. Many interns have had a permanent contract.
My internship allowed me to learn how to use professional tools and working methods. I also realized the importance of a succinct report and provided as much information as possible.
The good links with my co-workers, as well as the ability to choose the type of mission to work on, motivated me to continue the Wyplay experience.
I did my internship, as well as my alternation at Wyplay, as Product Marketing Assistant. I was able to discover the world of Digital TV through my varied and enriching missions.
I appreciated the team's dynamism, the international context (clients and partners) and the fact that I was quickly involved on various strategic topics.
Today Junior Product Manager, I always appreciate working at Wyplay, it is a company where you feel listened to, recognized and valued.And in terms of missions and responsibilities, this is a real opportunity for my career.
Trial Period
For a successful integration: an alliance of technical and human support!
The integration process provides a welcome by the HR department for an advanced presentation of the company, generic working tools, corporate culture...
A tutor is responsible for answering the questions of the new hired on his missions, technical points but also to help him to discover the company and its customs, work environment, position and colleagues.
Adapted to each job, the integration path also includes technical trainings provided by our experts: agile scrum methodology, architecture, DVB...
Finally, an integration report, 3 weeks after arrival, and a balance sheet at the end of the trial period are carried out in order to make the necessary adjustments for the proper integration of the new recruit.
Career management and Training
Integrating Wyplay is also giving itself perspectives of evolution. Indeed, every year, many employees are offered a career development internally.
The continuing competence upgrading is fundamental for Wyplay: external trainings via certified organisations, internal training provided by our experts, CPF company, support for employees in the files of VAE, CIF.
The training policy of Wyplay is complete and dynamic.
I started working at Wyplay in January 2007. The company was then only 6 months old and we were about twenty. I was recruited as Communication Manager.
After a few years and with the evolution of the company, I have focused on purchasing, logistics, then sales and production monitoring. A very rich and varied position that allowed me to discover new parts of the company, and, to train me in new fields.
When the hardware stopped at Wyplay, I was offered a commercial position. It was an opportunity for me to discover a new job. I first followed the existing customers and, since 2013 I prospect on new regions mainly in Europe.
Since I arrived at Wyplay 7 years ago, I had the opportunity, thanks to internal mobility, to evolve from the developer position to 'Technical Leader', then to 'Scrum Master', and finally to 'Product Owner'.
These changes allowed me to discover some of the different trades offered by Wyplay and greatly helped me to build my career plan.
I started working at Wyplay 10 years ago as a UI developer on the 'Wyplayer' (hardware product), I used to play the project manager assistant role on a client project before they offer me the Project Manager position - called Scrum master in the Agile method - managing of team of 15 to 50 people depending on the project.
I held this role for almost 5 years before being offered the opportunity to become Project Manager on the various Canal + & Sky projects in Italy last year.
Wyplay trusted me, made me evolve; I learned a lot within the company, I am grateful and invested.